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Buhari leads Nigerian delegates to UN General Assembly

President Muhammadu Buhari will be leading Nigerian delegates to the 71st United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) which will begin at the UN Headquarters in the U.S. on Tuesday, Sep­tember 13.
Foreign Affairs Minister Geoffrey Onyeama who stat­ed this yesterday while brief­ing newsmen on the confer­ence said that the president would be discussing series of issues which have direct im­pact on Nigeria.
The Minister said the pres­ident would among others, set the record straight on the is­sue of human rights violation, and sign the Paris Agreement on climate which china and U.S. had already signed.
It could be recalled that at the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal.
The agreement sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dan­gerous climate change by limit­ing global warming to well be­low 2°C. It is due to enter into force in 2020
Onyeama said that signing of the agreement by the presi­dent would give a signal to the world that Nigeria was serious about the agreement.
He said that the confer­ence was a unique one where Mr President have the oppor­tunity to meet with the world leaders and build on the na­tion’s reputation.
“It is one the unique confer­ences where world leaders as­sembled and address issues pre occupying their minds, It is a wonderful opportunity for the president to build on his rep­utation.
“President Mohammad Buhari is well regarded by the world leaders and it will give him opportunity to reconnect and engage with the world leaders on various issues.
“He needs the world lead­ers’ support in the areas of economy, security, anti-cor­ruption and governance. He will use the opportunity to push for Nigeria’s interest at the UN,” he said.

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