Make clean cash through toilet, laundry soap
The need to maintain a hygienic look and enÂvironment makes it necessary to always bath our bodies and wash our clothes and kitchen utensils. Soap for laundry and toilet is one business that is always luÂcrative as long as people wash something. Production of soap for toilet and laundry is one business that can be done and profitably too, in Nigeria. The country also boasts of all the raw materials and equipment and technology used for the production of soap but incidenÂtally, the country still imports a huge quantity of the soap used by its citizens from other parts of the world.
Although it is well known that Nigeria as well as MalayÂsia, Singapore and some other Asian countries have potentials for producing high quality toilet and laundry soaps, only NigeÂria still depends on import for their toilet and laundry soaps and even import a large quality of the soap used by its citizens from Malaysia and Singapore. At the moment, the Federal Government has placed a ban on importation of some comÂmodities including toilet and laundry soaps which should, ordinarily, make soap manufacÂturing a more lucrative venture for investors into the business. However, the situation has only resulted in a hike in the price of the foreign toilet and launÂdry soaps available in the marÂket while local production has not been able to match up with local demands.
Soap manufacture is one of the cheapest, yet highly lucraÂtive investment items with the availability of raw materials and technology. With the clamour for job creation and under-deÂpendence on foreign aids, soap manufacturing could be one business that will easily absorb a chunk of the teeming popuÂlation of unemployed youths as well as rake in the deed reveÂnue to finance other sectors of the economy. As was said earÂlier, the business is highly elasÂtic in the sense that no matÂter the strength of one’s purse, there is always an opportunity to operate a toilet and laundry soap manufacturing outfit. The business allows small, medium or large scale investors to enÂgage in the business. Also, the business can be located in any part of the country since the raw materials are readily availÂable. Like every other business, what is most important in any business is to the attitude to the business. Toilet or laundry soap manufacture involves use of some technology which are available in the country. These technology get imporved from time to time which requires that the investor must be abreast of the development to make him more competitive. Like was said earlier, Nigeria has the poÂtentials to make soaps that will meet international standard but the investors must be prepared to apply international standard in the manufacture.
Although profit-making is the basic reason for going into any business, it is always adÂvised that the investor must not put money as the first and only consideration. He must be aware of the fact that there is alÂways competition in every busiÂness and so the most important consideration would be how to establish an edge or advantage over the other competitors. The investor must first concentrate on manufacturing toilet and laundry soaps that will beÂcome brands in the market. It is only after that that the qualiÂty of soap will attract the qualÂity of patronage that will poÂsition the business for profits. How the business is positioned will determine the sustainabilÂity of the business. It is always advised to start every business project with a plan, or what is known as feasibility study. The study will show how to go about the business, whether it’s a small, medium or large scale that the investor wants to emÂbark on.
Having concluded on the type and size of the business the next consideration will be sourcing of raw materials for the manufacturing. The invesÂtor must identify the right placÂes to procure the raw materiÂals and at affordable prices. It must be understood that the quality of raw materials could determine the quality of the fiÂnal product so efforts must be
made by the investor to ensure that he sources high quality raw materials for the business. All the raw materials needed for the business can be sourced loÂcally eliminating the problem of sourcing foreign exchange for importation. Some of the raw materials needed in soap making include animal fats or vegetable oil, chemicals, inÂcluding fragrances, wrapping materials and cartons. The large stock of the raw materiÂals guarantees sustainability of the business.
As is well known, soaps for laundry and toilet have wide acceptance and so can be found in every home and business enÂvironment. Apart from this, it also has a by-product called Glycerin which is derived from soap production. This by-prodÂuct used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics industries and laboÂratories also has a high marÂket value. The investor can still make profit from selling the by-product after the soap producÂtion.
From the feasibility study, the investor will have clear deÂtails of how much it will cost to install the soap-making machines. This, as said earlier, will depend largely on the size of the investor’s pocket. There are locally fabricated machines which can be used for the manÂufacture. They also have their imported equivalent which equally manufactures soaps but are more expensive to proÂcure. Being one of the products on the import-banned list, it is also one of the projects finanÂcial institutions are willing to fund and so the investor can approach the banks for the inÂitial startup capital. Given the viability of the business, the bank as well as the investor are sure to make profits on their inÂvestment.
Some of the machines reÂquired to set up the toilet and laundry soap business are steam generators, filter press, soap reactors, recovery vesÂsels, oil storage tanks and vesÂsels, drying machines, cooling frames, plodder, cutting tables, stamping machine and wrapÂper. According to experts, the soap-making plants can proÂduce between 1,500 to 2,000 metric tons of soap per annum and can be increased dependÂing on the investor’s choice. Studies have found that the cost of establishing the soap making plant is determined by the scale and type of machines to be used. The imported maÂchines cost much more than the locally fabricated ones.
The production process for the toilet and laundry soap proÂduction involves pre-treatment, saponification, grinding, dryÂing and packaging. Although, all the process are very imporÂtant and must be observed with caution, the packaging has been identified as one of the stages that could determine the profitÂability or otherwise of the busiÂness. A lot of times, consumers as well as traders place premiÂum on the quality of the packÂaging of the product. SomeÂtimes some extra expenses are incurred in order to get the right packaging for the prodÂuct. For soap manufacturing, a good product may make poor sales simply because the good product was packaged wrongÂly and so the investor must enÂsure that he gives keen attenÂtion to the packaging. Before embarking on the packaging the investor is advised to carÂry out a market survey of the trend in packaging the quality and type of packaging that is in vogue, the colour suitable for the products to ensure that he does not make losses as a result of poor packaging.
The manpower need in the business is equally essential. Nigeria does not have a short supply of skilled manpower in soap-making, as a result, the inÂvestor must carefully select his team of workers. He must enÂsure that they are disciplined and dedicated and he must also ensure that he is practiÂcally interested in their welÂfare. One of the setbacks of a business is when good hands leave an employer simply beÂcause he does not care about their welfare. The number of workers required to carry out the production could depend on the capacity of the business and the type of toilet and launÂdry soap to manufacture.
There is a huge market for toilet and laundry soap manufacture. There is a risÂing demand for soap as the consciousness for clean and healthy living increases. More households are spending more for their toilet and laundry soaps and their purchase is deÂtermined by the quality of the soap and the packaging. Also, with the rising population, the demand for soap is far outstripÂping the supply thereby putting the investor in a position to make quick profits. Of course, like was said earlier, the potenÂtial to produce internationalÂly competitive soaps are there for Nigerian investors. The inÂvestor has to explore the posÂsibility of exporting his prodÂuct outside the country thereby making more profits Nigeria has a great potential in soap-making that can gain internaÂtional acceptance, using local raw materials and technology. This, however, will depend on how the investor manages the business. The country is in dire need of investors who will help her break the jinx of over-deÂpendence on imported prodÂucts. A determined investor can achieve this feat and create wealth and will in turn benefit the larger society.
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