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Expect more from Delta Police - SP Kalu

Newly promoted Po­lice Public Rela­tions Officer of the Delta State Police Command, Superintendent of Police (SP) Celestina Kalu, has pledged more positive outings and image by the Police in the quest to protect the residents of the state and Nigerians.
In a chat with The AU­THORITY, SP Kalu expressed her joy at being elevated in her career, saying the gesture would spur her on to do more to serve the people.
“Promotion comes with higher responsibilities. They say to whom much is given, more is expected. So, I will put in more effort to the best of my abilities and training”, she said.
Kalu, who has been the Del­ta State Police Spokesperson for the past two years, declared that her relationship with journalists in the state would remain cor­dial and professional.
She noted that her cordiali­ty with the journalists who have been cooperative with her office extended even beyond the offi­cial duties.
“In fact, one of my clos­est friends and confidants is a journalist. There is respectable working relationship between me and the press here as we all strive in our ways to serve the Nigerian public; and I expect this will continue”, she stated.
She further thanked her su­periors, colleagues and subordi­nates in the police for their co­operation and appreciation of her modest efforts and contri­butions to the Police Force and the nation.

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