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NITDA holds Children's Day ICT workshop for secondary schools

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITD) in its bid to inspire secondary school stu­dents across the country to em­brace Information Communica­tion Technology (ICT) as a tool for wealth creation and national development, is organising a one day sensitization workshop for secondary students in the Feder­al Capital Territory (FCT)

Organised to take place to­day in Abuja, the workshop is aimed at not only to stimulat­ing the consciousness of the stu­dents on what they can use ICT to achieve as future ICT experts; but also strengthen the children’s ICT awareness with a view to catching them young to embrace ICT as part of their growing up.

Themed: ‘Let’s Catch Them Young’ it is being organised in collaboration with Totalview Ni­geria.

The workshop according to a statement issued by the workshop Coordinator, Mr. Charles Ozo­emena, the interactive session is fashioned to find out the status of the students on ICT as well as identify the gaps to be filled.

In part, the statement read, “With the world now Information Communication Technology (ICT) driven, coun­tries are finding it convenient and wiser to introduce ICT to their Primary and Secondary school pupils and students for sustainable growth and develop­ment of the technology. The idea is to immediately begin to raise millions of ICT experts for the Future.

“Imagine Nigeria in the next 30 years riding on the crest of ICT expertise driven by millions of its pop­ulace? That dream is so needed bearing in mind the impact it would choreograph in the nation’s econ­omy- massive job creation and massive industrial­ization”.

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